Orchids and Puff Balls

The Trail is constantly providing new and interesting plants.  Last week a Snake-mouth Orchid of Rose pogonia popped up.

Pogonia ophioglossoides 2


I keep looking up at the branch of one of the Oak trees because I found the leaves of a Florida Butterfly Orchid.  It usually flowers in June or July but can flower anytime and I want capture the image when it does.  For now, all I can show you are the long drooping leaves and the whitish pseudobulb at the base.

Encyclia tampensis


Lately, I’ve gotten really interested in mushrooms – photographing and identifying them, not eating them.  So when I spotted this one I stopped to take the shot.

Rhopalogaster transverarium 1a


It is thick-skinned puff ball that doesn’t have a common name.  Unfortunately, the scientific name (Rhopalogaster transverarium) doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.   And it’s not all that photogenic on the inside. 

Rhopalogaster transverarium 1c


This fungi is there to handle decaying organic material in the pine-oak woods

That’s all for now – but standby for future postings.

A Visit to the Scrub

On the way to the river you cross a little bridge where you’ll find some Green Arrow Arum whose leaves have a lovely shiny green appearance.

Green Arrow Arum

Continuing on you will start up a little sandy hill.  Look up and you will see a Sand Pine.  The needles are short and the bark is rough toward the base but almost smooth toward the top.

Sand Pine

When you reach the top and look around you’ll see the Largeflower False Rosemary –

Largeflower Large Rosemary 1

It is in the Mint Family and worthy of a closer look –

Largeflower False Rosemary 2

If you look on the left side of the trail you will see a little yellow flower with the common name of Candyroot and is a member of the Milkwort Family.


Look closely and you will see a little 4 petal white flower called Innocence –


And speaking little white flowers with 4 petals, take a look at the Dahoons as they are starting to flower.

Dahoon Flower

That’s all for now – but standby for future postings.


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